creepin' at walmart and the socket monster

Went to walmart last night with some friends to sketch the people there. It was kinda hard not to look like a total creeper, but I ended up getting some nice gesture drawings. I had a couple pages worth but this one was my favorite:

on another note, today I was working on a roll of film for my communications imaging class and came up with this scary dude:

I used a doodle and a projector. I'm thinking this technique might be a cool series.


I realized today that I hadn't posted anything since I got back to Pratt.  It's been a busy two weeks, but I do have stuff to show for it.  I've hung out at the Tram (coffehouse in Utica) a decent amount since I've been back. Most of my favorite sketches and stuff come from hanging out there at night. These are some of my recent ones: